Check out our most commonly asked questions. From bringing a camera, to whether to bring food. You can find our answers here.
The identity and strength of Ngati Porou are enduring like Hikurangi, the maunga (mountain) cast up by Maui from the depths of the ocean.
It was the first point of Aotearoa to emerge and the resting place of Nukutaimemeha. Although Ngati Porou are a resolute and resilient iwi, they remain flexible and fluid like the iconic Waiapu River. The unique and inspiring stories of Ngati Porou illustrate pragmatic leadership and innovation, which has empowered whanau to evolve and adapt, so that the diversity of the hapu (tribe) and richness of the culture is maintained.
In 2018, Ngati Porou created Ngati Porou Tourism to let more people visit their scared maunga. Ngati Porou Tourism is the only commercial operator with permission to provide guided tours of Maunga Hikurangi.
Ngati Porou have a rich history of regional unity, pivotal leadership and definitive values.
We share a magnificent landscape and abundance of natural resources, characterised by hardworking and vibrant communities. The Ngati Porou story is the culmination of generations of innovation, endeavour, resilience and culture directly linking to the whenua of Ngati Porou. This creates a unique foundation of whanau, whairawa, rangatiratanga, kaitiakitanga and matauranga. These represent five pou (pillars), which signal the direction that Ngati Porou are heading as an iwi. Since the mid 1980’s, Ngati Porou have engaged in a period of economic recovery. Despite advances over the last decades, sustained growth and shared prosperity remains a constant aspirational goal for the iwi.
As the highest non-volcanic peak on the North Island, Maunga Hikurangi is the first place in the world to see the sunrise.
Rising above the rural community of Ruatoria, Maunga Hikurangi, or Mount Hikurangi is 1,752 m (5,748 ft) tall and is a site of cultural significance for the local Ngati Porou people. It is believed to the first part of the Aotearoa that emerged from the sea when Maui fished up the North Island.
Like guardians in the land of the first light, the nine larger than life carvings atop Maunga Hikurangi depict the legends of Maui and his whanau.
Each intricately carved pou (pillar) is free-standing and depicts the story of Maui as the founding ancestor of the Ngati Porou people.
Commissioned by Te Runanga o Ngati Porou for the commemorative dawn of the new millennium in the year 2000, the incredible craftmanship and spiritual connection to the people and the land that these carvings manifest is truly exceptional and one-of-a-kind.
Check out our most commonly asked questions. From bringing a camera, to whether to bring food. You can find our answers here.
Welcome to our sacred place in the sun Stand before nine magnificent whakairo (carvings) – each larger than life, each holding a story you can see, hear and touch on top of a sacred maunga (mountain).
My husband and I have just done the early morning sunrise tour. It was a very special experience for us and we would highly recommend it to everyone.WendyG84
Whakatane, New Zealand
He gave us an informative and interesting talk about the carvings, and the history of Ngati Porou - both distant and recent. Everyone in the group was very impressed.8Hazel8
Auckland, New Zealand
At the site of the phenomenal carvings, Monty shared the stories of Ngati Porou - just fascinating. The picnic was delicious and elegantly presented. A most excellent adventure for visitors from far and near.Elisabeth E
Auckland, New Zealand
Meet Irawhaaki - Maui’s father. In other versions of the Maui stories he was also known as Makeatutara. It was Irawhaaki’s mistake in performing karakia upon Maui that was to render him mortal and lead to his ultimate demise at the hands of Hinenui-te-po, the goddess of the spiritual realm. Book your tour now to learn about the story of all nine carvings https://maungahikurangi.com/experiences/
Aside from the beautiful views and landscape, our tours also offer a taste of local cuisine and produce. Lunch for our Haramai Day tours include kumara salad, kangawaru (a sweetbread made from kumara, corn grit and flour), fruit and juice is a welcome bite after pushing to the top of our maunga! Book your tour today 🥪🌱https://maungahikurangi.com/experiences/
🌟 Meet the Grandmother of Maui, ‘Te Kauwae o Murirangawhenua`, whose magical jawbone features in many stories—from slowing the sun to fishing up the North Island (Te Ika a Maui). Don’t miss the chance to experience this rich heritage! Book your tour today to connect with our stories and breathtaking landscapes at www.maungahikurangi.com. 🌊🛶
Be one with Maui, his people, land sea & sky. Maui Tikitiki-a-Taranga the person who slowed down the sun, the person who brought us fire, the person who fished up Aotearoa from the sea, come hear his story, come see his lands, meet this people and feel his presence through his descendants, Ngati Porou.
Each of our nine breath-taking carvings has a unique story to tell, and each of those stories is an important piece in the overarching legend of Maui, a founding member of the Ngati Porou tribe. Here is Hine-rau-ma-ukuuku, a wife of Maui. Hinerau has the significant responsibility of welcoming all manuhiri (visitors) to our sacred maunga. Her warmth radiates even on a misty morning, as you climb to the top to greet the sun ☀
Happy New Year! While each and every sunrise is a magical moment we never get tired of, there’s something extra special about the first sunrise of the year, a sign of a prosperous and fulfilling year ahead 👐☀🌄
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